So excuse the Flashback to 2008 but our camera had a gliche and worked for once transferring pictures onto the computer! Which MEANS that we get to entertain everyone with Christmas Pictures . . . finally!

Above: Maizy tries to teach the boys how to "pose" (Carter is on the right)
Below: The Tree Pre-Santa (Tyler is on the right)

On Christmas Eve we went to the Cheesecake Factory. Actually we were at the mall with Linda so we thought, why not? (Below: I am holding Carter, Travis is holding Tyler)

The boys sat at a restaurant table for the very first time and behaved so well (despite the tongue out, that's Tyler) . . . They even attempted to read (that's Carter) the menu and of course take some bites out of it. But the waiter read the boys' mind and brought them bananas.

Linda loved spending Christmas Eve with the boys. This is her and Tyler.

It was just the five of us on Christmas again. The rest of the family was snowed in or couldn't make it in- even Gigi and Popi got stuck in California!
Below: Gift time . . . the boys just had three gifts from Santa to share but still had to do it in sessions. They weren't used to all the mayhem of toys. But by the time the relatives spoiled them , they got the hang of it.

Above: Carter thinks he can crawl for a couple days then go straight to walking!
Below: This picture cracks me up. Zan gave the boys glow-worms. Tyler looks like his in this picture :)

Those boys get more adorable each day! Love the Gloworm shot! It's hilarious!
If you need a second Radio Flyer pusher, let me know. We have the same one and are happy to lend it to the boys so that they each have one to push around! That way, they can save their sharing resolution until 2010.
Let's get together soon!
Oh those boys are SO adorable! great pics. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday!
hope all is well!
Christmas Eve dinner at the Cheesecake Factoryf and not at Gigi's house....never again!
I missed you all. xxoo
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