Here are some of our latest adventures:
Meeting Baby Elena

Father's Day 2009
and by the time we thought of taking a picture- the boys' clothes were a mess, hence, OFF! No matter how proper and formal pic we intended here, it's our life.

and we remember our dads. It is so wonderful to celebrate with Popi, yet we miss our Grandpa Mack and Great-GrandDads.

always a favorite

Below: Tyler

Above: Both boys checking out the orangutan
Below: Tyler saying "Follow Me!"

For anyone who has been to the Oregon Zoo, they will appreciate this feat for 13 month olds. They ran all the way up the Northwest Exhibit . . . form the elk to the entrance . . . NON STOP- I was exhausted. . . how could they not be?
Oh no, all smiles. I this it was cause it was an incline? Something new? A challenge- something these guys are all about.

Below: Tyler (a fav of mine cause they were laughing the whole way- like they found gold)

Momma's Quiet Time
Early in the morning- they always cuddle together with their bottles. . . for 5 minutes. . . I treasure those 5 minutes.

Our Turn
"No way we get pushed"
For the zoo, to Al's Garden Center, it's all about pushing carts and strollers. They have taken off with other people's. Such characters.
Below: We are at Al's with Linda, Travis' mom

What a weekend- WOW! We are all exhausted. . . still . . . so much fun with the whole group of friends: Ramseys, VanPelts, Resers, O'Briens, Steele's, Huss' that go every year. We bowl, we golf, we play in the sand, the whole shabang!

Below: Gigi and Popi with the boys on the beach

Time Out?
So, Tyler bites Carter- about the 5th day in a row after being scolded. I tell him he needs to go the corner. So I put him in the corner (in white) and look what happens. . . . I know I shouldn't take a picture as a mom . . . but really? I wanted to yell at Carter as he joined him "HE BIT YOU! Help Me help YOU!" But I could only shake my head with the challenge in front of me. Two boys tied at the hip.
1 comment:
Kara - your boys are so darling. I honestly can't imagine having twins - I am pulling my hair out with one little guy - I am so impressed with your attitude and how much you get out with these little guys. And, of course, you look AMAZING! Go Kara! Super MOM! Seriously...
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