Boy has it all happened so fast. Right after their birthday party the boys started to CRUISE becoming great walkers and loving it! Their first trick (besides walking) - holding up one finger when asked "how old are you?" . . . At first, they confused it with "how big are you?" but they caught on pretty quick. Oh, and hide and seek. They get a kick out of playing hide and seek.
So "since turning one" they are little runners - bobbleheads with quick feet really . . .
They LOVE the pool and being outside . . .

Below: Next two pics are Carter, Tyler is in the 3rd with the Octopus)

They are all about the sprinkler-

even if it means getting nailed . . .

And are THRILLED to have new toys . . .
(Below: An instant hit- Thank you Brian, Karen, Zan for TWO - no fights! Carter is in the red. One will get on and the other will walk over to push- so cute)

They have even made it to Bend and back to visit the Goffriers . . .

. . . and found that Lillie will not just be a good person to share treats with . . . (or should I say steal from?)

but will be a good golf buddy too!

But mainly, since turning one, I have realized that it's so interesting how they can find the simplest thing- so entertaining!

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