Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gigi got the Hint!

Yay! My mom sent her pictures our way. . . Thank you Gigi!

Here are the recent missing events:

The Blueberry Field (An "Uffelman" MUST- you have to pick enough berries to freeze and last the whole year):
We went picking one afternoon at "Callahan's" (Helevetia area) - Seriously the BEST blueberry field ever if you are looking for one! There was grass between the rows so the boys could even run around and fabulous berries. The boys were fantastic- we doubted them to be honest but they sat in their stroller for quite a while and watched. We then let them down and they would just grab and stuff berries in their mouth by the handful. Gigi even taught them how to pick. Look at what a good berry picker instructor she is- although they didn't "pick the bushes clean" like she will someday aspire to teach them I am sure! Other than that they had great "berry etiquette."

Meeting Jack (My aunt Joan's new black lab):

No dog beats Maizy when it comes to being tolerant with the boys but boy did Jack give her a run for her money! He is a handsome handsome pup to say the least and sweet as can be- did I mention very handsome? The boys adored him- no surprise. They cling to all animals! (color code: Ty in red/Carter blue)


Kennedy said...

What a darling dog!! But the boys are even cuter!! Looking forward to many more fun times with them, as we all get older and wiser!!

Kennedy said...

I have never seen such huge blueberry bushes! Where is this place???!!