This weekend celebrates the boys 10-month birthday. I realized I never updated their 9 month weight and height. Both are almost exactly the same- a few ounces from 22 pounds and 29 inches tall. They just want to walk and are using their walker incredibly well and now try to turn everything in walkers . . . random toys, chairs, Maizy, each other.

They can stand but after 10-30 seconds they realize they are and drop. I think they get excited or just surprise themselves!

(Below: Our first shirtless night after dinner cause Carter made a mess-
and was darn proud of it as you can tell)
and was darn proud of it as you can tell)

Need something to brighten your day? Here's Tyler with the best medicine:
Pat-a-cake is among one of their favorites!
And so is the SNOW! YES we even got some this morning. They zoom toward the window to stand and look out. Snow, really? Do we live in Vail?

Kara, they are just too cute for words and I love all your pictures!! Please tell Trav hi and give him a hug from me! Hope all is well, Katie
Kara. I love them. We are dying. I want to see them so bad. This is just not fair.
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