We couldn't be any MORE excited that our cousins (Mike & Kylie & boys) will be making Oregon home! Hood River get ready for Camden, Holden and Bartley cause boy are they fun. Tyler and Carter love to watch their big cousins and collect hugs.

Crawling, Standing, Walking (with a walker of course) - these boys love that they can do so much. They always want to play (which is making nap time very difficult) . . . and they are already so tough. They look like they need to be wearing helmets cause of all their bumps and bruises. NOTHING stops them.

(Tyler is below)

Tyler loves the camera. He just poses . . . but now he has a new pose. I don't know where he got it from but everytime I pull out the camera and it starts to flash he smiles then suddenly does this: scruntches up his nose. Every picture. It's so funny.
And this is a video I caught this morning. Their Cackle . . . seriously, they crack me up.
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