Look Closely!!! Annamarie has her first tooth. She has had her finger in her mouth for months now and finally it popped up this week. Right as she turned 8 months. . . but it was the day before she was the big 8 when she crawled forward her first legitimate 4 feet or so. . . She long ago mastered crawling backwards causing her to get stuck under coffee table, couches, you name it and was rolling and scooting and getting to where she needed since 5 months so I am shocked it has taken this long but THANK GOODNESS. I guess when you have pure entertainment 24 hours (her brothers) who also wait on her hand and foot- who needs to crawl? I am just hoping my "walk at 18 months" deal with her sticks. Although I have slowly gained confidence that she is not going to be . . . how do I say this properly. . . active? crazy busy? downright rambunctious? okay I said it. . . like the boys. She enjoys sitting and watching and playing much more than they ever did. . . and she is NEVER short of smiles. It's pretty incredible really.
Trying to crawl |
Not quite the dino fanatic like the boys, but darn close, she wants everything the boys have . . .
But they have given in to playing with her things too . . .
Annamarie's first tea party. . . Carter hosted. | | | | |
Our friends, the Tyackes, came over for dinner. Gotta love these moments!
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