December came and went. . . . simply put . . . but not simply lived. It was a month overwhelmed with memories, reflection, prayer, tears, hugs, and joy. Earlier in the month we said goodbye to "Grandma."
The boys still talk about wanting to see her, it's heartbreaking. But her timing, impeccable. To be a perfect beautiful soul with Ron (Grandpa) and her parents for Christmas is truly a Christmas Miracle. None of our children got her gorgeous twinkling bright blue eyes but I am reminded of her infectious and warm smile every day in Annamarie. I think she got her glow. Linda truly glowed.
One thing Linda did "big" was Christmas. And I mean "big" - the stories are great. But I do remember the first year meeting Travis and him telling me about their tree every year- pretty much Griswold style and his dad swearing like he does every year "never again." Then I saw it with my own eyes, so confused how it got there, and more so how she decorated it without major injuries! But I think both Travis and I had her in the back of our mind cause we went "Linda Style" and got the biggest tree we could possibly fit in our house. It was beautiful. . . I am sure Travis had flashbacks as we smooshed it through our front door.
We started a tradition the past two years of going to "The Home of the Noble" with Gigi and Popi.

Auntie Rhonda joined us this year. She was in town for two weeks staying with us which the kids LOVED! She got woken up every morning by two overjoyed little boys who only wanted to "see Auntie Rhonda" from the minute they got out bed.

One of the owners came up to me and said she remembered me pregnant last year as she gave Anna a smile. Wow- that made me stop in my tracks. I don't know why. It's the double effect that makes no sense- in that it's hard to imagine when my little baby wasn't in my life but yet the realization of what can all happen in a year!
Below: Popi had to do all the work cause Travis had surgery and couldn't do any lifting! He was such a good sport. . .

We went on the Polar Express this year with Uncle Mike, Aunt Kylie and Kiddos and Cousin Amy, Tom and Chiara, and all of our parents. The kids seriously LOVED every moment. From the big train . . . to the hot chocolate . . . to the bells Santa handed out and not to mention the minute we got off board, it was pouring down SNOW! Travis and I looked at each other scared of the travel home from Hood River, but later realized how neat of timing it actually was.

Above: Annamarie was the only of our kids to let Santa hold her this year. He managed to get a high five from the boys on Christmas Eve.
Below: Did I emphasized "Loved Every Moment" ??

Christmas keeps on "getting better" . . . the boys were able to think about it as "Baby Jesus' Birthday" - and they LOVE birthdays . . . plus they got really excited to pick out gifts for people- they really wanted to get Travis cookie cutters but a helicopter was their second choice- we went with that . . . . and of course they were just delighted to get gifts of their own! 

Above: Carter with Anna
Below: Christmas Day we spent at my parents with Mike and Kylie and kiddos. I love the growing relationship between Elena and Anna. . . each time they are more mesmerized with one another. Even in the next picture. . . it's "Gigi who?" they can't take their eyes off each other.

New Years Eve we celebrated East Coast Style (at 9pm) with our friends Andy and Jenise and their kids Grace, Henry and "Baby Sam". . . . always a great time!
The weekend after Christmas we went to Stayton to celebrate Great Grandma's 89th birthday.

My cousin Victor and wife Mylie had twins the same year of us- Ned and Sarge are adorable!
More fun memories included the boys getting to go to Zoolights with Gigi and Popi (below), Travis and I getting to go to Civil War and just more smiles in the midst of the holiday season. As you can tell Anna's brothers still love holding her and giving her attention. Besides the T-Rex's and Firehouse, she is their favorite toy. She adores them.

So goodbye 2010 and hello 2011. . . Since the second year we were married Travis on New Year's has always hoped for "A Boring Year" . . . I guess when we think about in the 5 years married we have had to say goodbye to parents & loved ones, lived in 3 homes full of their own stories, carried numerous jobs and and of course brought into this world 3 amazing kids. . . the years have flown by not empty or boring but full of blessings and memories.
Cheers to a Boring 2011!
It may be the year. . . who am I kidding? Just boring enough for me to get to the photo albums and baby books I have never touched. . . and maybe read a book. . .

One thing Linda did "big" was Christmas. And I mean "big" - the stories are great. But I do remember the first year meeting Travis and him telling me about their tree every year- pretty much Griswold style and his dad swearing like he does every year "never again." Then I saw it with my own eyes, so confused how it got there, and more so how she decorated it without major injuries! But I think both Travis and I had her in the back of our mind cause we went "Linda Style" and got the biggest tree we could possibly fit in our house. It was beautiful. . . I am sure Travis had flashbacks as we smooshed it through our front door.
We started a tradition the past two years of going to "The Home of the Noble" with Gigi and Popi.
One of the owners came up to me and said she remembered me pregnant last year as she gave Anna a smile. Wow- that made me stop in my tracks. I don't know why. It's the double effect that makes no sense- in that it's hard to imagine when my little baby wasn't in my life but yet the realization of what can all happen in a year!
We went on the Polar Express this year with Uncle Mike, Aunt Kylie and Kiddos and Cousin Amy, Tom and Chiara, and all of our parents. The kids seriously LOVED every moment. From the big train . . . to the hot chocolate . . . to the bells Santa handed out and not to mention the minute we got off board, it was pouring down SNOW! Travis and I looked at each other scared of the travel home from Hood River, but later realized how neat of timing it actually was.
Below: Did I emphasized "Loved Every Moment" ??
Above: Carter with Anna
Below: Christmas Day we spent at my parents with Mike and Kylie and kiddos. I love the growing relationship between Elena and Anna. . . each time they are more mesmerized with one another. Even in the next picture. . . it's "Gigi who?" they can't take their eyes off each other.
Cheers to a Boring 2011!
It may be the year. . . who am I kidding? Just boring enough for me to get to the photo albums and baby books I have never touched. . . and maybe read a book. . .
love all the photos!!
The little girls together are to die for, love the pics Kara!
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