I remember a year ago my sister-in-law Karen telling me, "I just don't know how you are going

to do it with TWO one-year-
olds." She was speaking from experience and her now two-year-old, Luke. . . now I know what she means (as she is probably laughing at this thinking- "just wait till they are two!"). People in passing say, "Oh wow, you are going to be busy!" . . . going? I AM! But boy are these two a BLAST. Such little
personalities. Always laughing at each other & new things &
Maizy, running EVERYWHERE and just little explorers. No corner goes unseen no matter where they are. The stroller . . . how I wish they could just sit but they only last but minutes before they scream to get out. Little adventurers and they just love life. They are just so busy and were so early on, that I think it's cause they push each other, compete to be faster or somewhere new.
Here are some of our latest adventures:
Meeting Baby Elena
Above: What a wonderful day- meeting Baby Elena (our cousin) . . . Mike and Kylie (who have two sons Camden and Holden) are so lucky to have such a sweet beautiful angel joining their family. I know she will keep those boys gentlemen and they will love and protect their baby sister. I speak from experience. She will someday want a sister like I did and then realize brothers are simply awesome. We are so excited for them.
Father's Day 2009and by the time we thought of taking a picture- the boys' clothes were a mess, hence, OFF! No matter how proper and formal pic we intended here, it's our life.

and we remember our dads. It is so wonderful to celebrate with
Popi, yet we miss our Grandpa Mack and Great-GrandDads.

Below: Father's Day 2008
The Zooalways a favorite

Above: Carter
Below: Tyler

But now, they actually take in the animals. They used to just sit, or run. But the last time we went they found all the animals very intriguing. Which made it very fun. I think they finally realized they are not all dogs!

Above: Both boys checking out the orangutan
Below: Tyler saying "Follow Me!"

For anyone who has been to the Oregon Zoo, they will appreciate this feat for 13 month olds. They ran all the way up the Northwest Exhibit . . . form the elk to the entrance . . . NON STOP- I was exhausted. . . how could they not be?
Oh no, all smiles. I this it was cause it was an incline? Something new? A challenge- something these guys are all about.

Above: Carter
Below: Tyler (a fav of mine cause they were laughing the whole way- like they found gold)
Momma's Quiet Time Early in the morning- they always cuddle together with their bottles. . . for 5 minutes. . . I treasure those 5 minutes.

and once in a while, Tyler will decide to "lounge"- he's great at it and finds the funniest places to crawl into. . . here he is in the wagon.
Our Turn"No way we get pushed"
For the zoo, to Al's Garden Center, it's all about pushing carts and strollers. They have taken off with other people's. Such characters.
Below: We are at Al's with Linda, Travis' mom
4th of July
What a weekend- WOW! We are all exhausted. . . still . . . so much fun with the whole group of friends: Ramseys, VanPelts, Resers, O'Briens, Steele's, Huss' that go every year. We bowl, we golf, we play in the sand, the whole shabang!

Above: Carter Bowling
Below: Gigi and Popi with the boys on the beach

Below: The boys' first parade! The whole group had matching shirts- we should have been in it!

Below: Popi and Carter


And lastly:
Time Out?
So, Tyler bites Carter- about the 5th day in a row after being scolded. I tell him he needs to go the corner. So I put him in the corner (in white) and look what happens. . . . I know I shouldn't take a picture as a mom . . . but really? I wanted to yell at Carter as he joined him "HE BIT YOU! Help Me help YOU!" But I could only shake my head with the challenge in front of me. Two boys tied at the hip.

Case closed though: they didn't bite each other . . . till the next day.