From the Pumpkin Patch to Halloween, we have had a fun-filled-fall!
The boys loved the patch all fall long. I took them to "the farm" up the street many mornings to get our vegetables, play in the hay, and visit the animals. (Tyler in turquoise/Carter in orange)

Below: Carter
But we saved the big trip to be with Daddy and they were so excited for the long-awaited "Tractor Ride" . . . (Tyler in turquoise/Carter in orange)

Below: Chucking Apples- then Carter sneaking one for himself

We had originally bought a tiger and MONKEY costume- but in normal "Tyler and Carter Fashion" they had to be the same thing, no matter how cool we tried to make the costume monkey seem.
The boys made the rounds on Halloween. First off was Nana's. . .
then Grandma's . . .
then Gigi and Popi's for trick-or-treating. "Go trick-or-treating" was the request for days after that. They had so much fun. Every house they wanted to go inside and check out the decorations. . .

They dragged their bags behind them on the ground- too much candy! It was very funny cause the thought it was just great to have a bag-o-candy as a pull toy.
Travis' impressive creations + my jack-o-lanterns:
More fun pics:
Annamarie- always so happy:
Aunt Rhonda said last night "You guys really won the lottery" - She is so right- Anna is simply amazing.
Joining us and sitting in her high chair for the first time
She can sit up all alone!
First Solids!
A crying baby should NEVER be cute- except when they NEVER cry
Bedtime: The boys love to get a ride from the big dinosaur (Daddy) to bed.
The Duck Pond: The boys get a kick out of ducks- but the bread ended up in some other hungry bellies. You would think I starved them but I just think they thought it was cool to eat what the ducks were eating.
Below: Tyler

Tyler and the Caterpillar: he found it at the park and just laughed at it kept crawling up to his face. He wanted to hold it over and over again. Carter wouldn't touch it- he was terrified!
Painting together at a Birthday Party: They really are inseparable now and will always notice when the other is missing and ask out of concern. I used to think that it was more of a competitive thing (what is my brother into that I want?) but now they are officially best buddies. (Also Below: Carter trying to give Tyler a hug)

Annamarie- always so happy:
Aunt Rhonda said last night "You guys really won the lottery" - She is so right- Anna is simply amazing.

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