Already 2 months old. . . depressing how fast time flies- yet I feel like she has always been a part of my life. My adored daughter.
Long and Lean- or should I say leaner? The boys were always 95th percentile weight and a bit less in height and she is the opposite. A tall tall girl- 24 inches (97%) and 12 pounds (85%).

Annamarie looks so different than the boys,- she has a little more mature of a look with a narrower face and bigger eyes. . . . however, her lust to get moving and play reminds me so much of them (I don't think my "don't walk till you're two pact" will stand a shot). She has to be looking out and seeing all the action and gets so proud of herself when she stands and jumps. This huge smile overcomes her. I tell her to slow down- Be my baby for a while- again time flies way too fast.

Here's the question- her hair seems very straight but after a bath looks like this. Will she get her brother's curls? They were bald and lost all their newborn hair by 3 months and didn't get anything till they were around 14 months. I am not quite sure she will lose hers . . .

It is so fun to see the boys just gawk over her. They fight over who gets to hold her, and run up to give her kisses on an hourly basis. They are becoming VERY good- she is turning from their toy sister to the real thing. Their little voices saying "mama, baby crying" "mama baby HUNGRY" is just too sweet. Carter has also gotten a good push from his brother for touching Baby Anna's belongings or getting in her bouncer. Tyler is
very protective. . . .even telling friends when they hold her, "no, mama's baby."

We are having so much fun. I feel so blessed every day for my wonderful and healthy family. Anna has truly completed it and brought all of us such joy. I say everything is a phase when it comes to the quirks and qualms of my little ones . . . I'll take this phase anyday & everyday!
Kara, she is beautiful. It was so fun to see you guys on Friday! And the boys are wonderful big brothers, just as we knew they would be! So happy for your family! xoxo
What a beautiful baby she is Kara! And your boys are so sweet to her. I am so glad things are going well for the Mack family.
she is so cute kara. i miss her.
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