Saturday, May 8, 2010

Almost . . .

The boys- almost two . . . the baby- almost here. . . I'm not quite ready for either.

We have wonderful pictures now with our great new camera BUT I cannot get the pictures downloaded on our computer- I think I am seeing a pattern here. new computer? So frustrating- so that is why you won't get to SEE my little men and just get to hear me chatter. I just figure it it's been way to long.

To answer people's top questions:
Q:Do you have a name? A: We are so far from deciding a name we have started to come up with a "march madness NCAA" tourney type bracket to get to the hospital with "the Final Four". . . but if it's anything like the boys- it will be 8 names and she still won't have one for 4 days.

Q: What's the nursery look like? A: it's still the playroom. . . maybe just maybe we will get to it this weekend.

Q: Do the boys know? A: They LOVE my belly and will lift up my shirt many times a day to laugh and pat and say baby . . . or again, just laugh. I think they might miss it when it is gone. Can they possibly understand though? They see baby stuff in the house and get excited asking "baby?! baby?!" and even have thrown in a "baby sister?!" so I think they kind of get it and will for sure when she is here.

Q: Anytime? or Smuggling a Ball? A: That's the question on the street now with a shocked look as someone sees me from the side suddenly. . . straight out and big now "like a bullet" my mom calls it and I have gotten to the point of just saying "yes, anyday" like I had to with the boys at 7 months so I shouldn't be annoyed this time!

Q: Where do they get that CURLY hair?! A: Yes, we have yet to cut the boys hair and it is WILD. What's funny is it still isn't filled in all the way so they don't have much so it's it just these fine little ringlets all over.

Q: Can you tell them apart? A: People are so amazed with how much alike they say they look still. It's something that will always confuse me a bit because like I always say, they are so different to me. Tyler is in a momma's boy phase lately (scaring me a bit to be needy right before baby) and loving to learn. He repeats every word and gets so excited about anything new he can say or do. In fact every morning he still says "Happy Birthday Gigi" with a smile - her birthday was a MONTH ago but he was so proud of himself when he learned to say it. Since, we have had other birthdays but he still smiles and says "Happy Birthday Gigi" . . . Carter loves to sing and laugh. He talks a lot too but is much more laid back and doesn't get frustrated like Tyler when he doesn't understand or can't quite say something. Very laidback but my mischievous one. . . he tries to cross every line but with this cute little smile that is so innocent and sweet - again mischievous. But what BROTHERS they are- the BEST of friends at time just chuckling, discovering and playing together, kissing one another when the other is hurt or sad, and calling out each other's name if they are out of sight . . . but then literally tackling and beating up each other the next moment. Their new thing since they don't bite as much anymore (THANK GOODNESS) is to yell. It is this loud screechy noise. They start off angry but it quickly turns into a competition into who can screech this terrible sound louder and they both end up laughing at one another cause again- it's a ridiculous screech. However, when they act like "dinosaurs" and stomp around the house together (quite an imagination) it's the same sound.

Sorry again for no pictures! But thank you for getting through my book of a blog. Have to run: Carter is now on my back with a mitten on pretending it is a puppet dinosaur and wanting to kiss (or eat - who knows?!) my face.

1 comment:

the uffelmans said...

you are such a good mommy kara.