I will announce the LATEST before I get to our long list of catching up . . .
We found out "Baby C" is a girl. My friend Lauren wrote me a note that made me smile out of excitement:
"A girl, Kara, that's fantastic. You will LOVE having a girl. When you have a boy, you think, "oh, i can live with all boys, they're awesome", and THEN your girl comes along, and totally melts your heart!"
I am sure this little baby will melt our boys' hearts too. I don't know what it is about pink and dolls that excites Travis but he is thrilled beyond belief- I guess every father adores their little girl- right Popi?
Christmas 2010

Late one afternoon it started POURING snow- we got 5 inches or so within a couple hours . . . and it stopped and melted almost overnight. So quick- the boys had had runny noses all week but after loads of begging to go outside, I finally let them. I thought they would be scared but they tromped around like pros. (code: Carter red, Tyler blue)

I will admit, I was a bit terrified when I found out I was pregnant at first. But day by day, the boys bring a smile to my face- they are truly growing up and becoming best friends. They do EVERYTHING together it seems- whether I instigate it or not. It usually becomes a competition- who has the best car, toy, can ride the fastest on their fire engine and school bus . . . but before the "breakdown and fight" comes this wonderful moment of brothers laughing and adoring each other. It's fantastic to watch it progress daily. Tyler's favorite word is "Carter"- he calls to him whenever he is out of sight. They even crawl up on the same couch, pillow, whatever to look at books or watch TV together. It's adorable catching them in the moment. (Carter in navy)

below: how all goes from peaceful and perfect to "oh my" in a moment- doesn't Tyler realize he has his own chicken nuggets on his plate? It's a constant battle.

i love those boys and can't wait to meet your sweet baby girl. i agree - they melt your heart.
A GIRL!!!!!! I am so excited for you and the fam. Before we started our family I thought three boys would be perfect. But now, I couldn't imagaine my life without my little girl. There is something so special about having both a son and daughter. I am so excited that you will be able to experience that! Congratulations!
Congrats Travis and Kara!!! Wow, what exciting great news! I have to echo Molly's sentiments for sure...I thought I would be fine with all boys, but having a baby girl is so different and so amazing! You guys will be so happy!
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