Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Zoo with Grandma

Before we get to zoo pictures, I just want to give Maizy props. She is given such a hard time for being "Crazy Maizy" but she really is such a great family dog. She takes such beatings from the boys- it's unbelievable how tolerant she is. Yesterday I thought she would lose it. Carter had a piece of cheese in his hand and he wanted her to eat it so he kept on sticking it right up to her mouth and she didn't even take a lick- I wasn't even telling her no . . . Finally, I felt so bad so I said "okay Maizy- you can have it" and she knows that means it's fine but she still looked at me and wouldn't eat it. How good is she?! Then about an hour later Tyler REALLY wanted to nap on her. He kept pulling on her, laying on her to try to get comfortable and close his eyes to sleep. She didn't move an inch. It was so sweet.
(Above: Carter in Brown/Tyler in white)

We took Grandma to the zoo with us last Sunday! Boy has that membership paid off- literally- it paid for itself long ago.

We decided to take MAX- so smart! It was the boys' first time- they seemed to like it but as you can tell, it was a little too loud for Grandma.
(color code for pics: Tyler is in the lighter blue, Carter in the navy/orange)

The goats were the big hit! It was the boys' first time in the petting zoo. . . oh my goodness- they just screamed when we left cause they wanted more. Tyler had to touch every goat. And he just laughed and laughed when he felt their fur.
Here we are with my favorite- the giraffe (oh, I love the otter too) Grandma is having fun!
The giraffe, not too big of a hit for our guys- but they LOVED the meerkats. Go figure- the meerkats? They were AMAZED!

So the big winners of the day- goats and meerkats. . . . and of course crawling around in the grass. They do it every time and are so friendly- will go up to anyone. Sometimes even eye their lunches.


Kate Harpster said...

Kara, they are SOOOO fricken adorable, and I am so happy to see you guys out and about with Linda. What a great family you are! We have to get together sometime...I am quite sure your boys would have no trouble holding their own with my Jackster! Tell Trav hi for me!

The Finholm's said...

Oh the boys are getting so big! And so so so cute! What a fun day at the zoo!!!

Kristie said...

Hey!! Carter and Tyler are so cute! It is crazy to see how identical they really are! You are smart to note which one is wearing what. I swear Jerry just says he can tell between Chris and Colin, but after all of these years I doubt it:)You look great, and again cutest boys ever!! We have a blog but I need your e-mail to invite you...