Gigi Turns 60!!
We had a big bash and the whole family was here! Even Brian & Karen & Luke came up from California . . . it was the best!! Below are some fun pictures from the day after. We went to the zoo.

We had a picnic on the grass. It was the boys first time rolling around and enjoying a lawn. Now I can't wait for us to finish our backyard and put sod in cause they LOVED it.
(Tyler is in the green, Carter in the red)

As you can tell above, the boys love lunchtime! They practically attacked Gigi for the bread of Luke's hotdog.

How cute is our little blond hair/blue eyed cousin? We just adore him. He couldn't get enough of the elephants and of course wanted to pet the goats.

Such a little cutie! It's wild to hold such a little baby again. She seemed like a feather. . . so delicate. For the first time I understood why everyone was in awe with how small our little guys were back then. Thank you so much Jenny and Chris for bringing your little girls in town for us to meet the angel! And it's always a joy to be able to hang out with Lillie!
The Boys' First Easter!And what a jammed-packed day of activities . . . First off, Tyler got a ride in the wagon. They just think it's hilarious taking one another around the house.

This Easter also marked two years of having Grandpa Mack blessing us from up above. It was the boys' first time to visit him at the grave site. We know he is watching over us, just getting a kick out of these two. . . but he is dearly missed.

Then it was off for a Rehse family visit. (Travis' side of the family- Grandma's sisters and brother)
Of course, they quickly tracked down Drake the dog.

(Both above and below are Carter- great pictures taken by our cousin Will!)

The family gave the boys Easter gifts! Two huge ducks- way to big to fit in baskets. . . they immediately got a kick out of them (below is Tyler) . . .and Momma loves the outfits they received that they will be sporting this summer!

Next up: Celebrating with Momma's side of the family!

A Picture with the Grandparents
(Popi is holding Carter)
Below: Leave it up to Great-Aunt Joan to come up with a fitting Easter Dessert
Really?! A Peeps Cake? She is incredibly creative!