Baptisms and a Beach Trip- We've had a busy August!
Tyler and Carter were baptized on the 24th at St. Pius X.

Tyler with his Godparents (Mike and Kylie). . .

And Carter with his (Brian and Karen)

Gigi made them their Gowns and the Godmothers got them ready for the very special occasion.

We thank everyone who came- especially those who traveled from far! Yes, all of Tyler and Carter's aunts and uncles were there . . .

And so were all of the Buck Cousins. Too funny planning a picture with them all. Camden couldn't get enough of the babies and Lucy (Megan's little girl with the curly dark hair) couldn't get enough of it all! Just a little poser! Mary is all grown up and so well behaved. . . Luke and Holden are just 1 so what can you expect? And little Chiara (Amy's baby girl) . . . she is BEAUTIFUL- older than Tyler and Carter but much smaller- just dainty- with the longest eyelashes you've ever seen!

Yes- Camden adores our two little guys. Before the trip he couldn't WAIT to meet them and all week long wanted to hold them and help feed them. My favorite- he would go down the long list and say to you in his sweet voice: "Look- their cute little head. . . look, their cute little ears . . . little nose . . . little hands . . . little feet"
He is going to be such a great big cousin!

The next day we headed for a week at the Oregon Cost to celebrate (a belated) Popi's 60th Birthday.

Here are my favorite pictures from the trip:

Popi with Luke!

Clothes then came off- yes- the weather was GORGEOUS!
A day when sunscreen was necessary . . .

I love this picture of Camden leading Luke down the beach. . .

Our godson Holden is the cutest little boy! He has the most beautiful big brown eyes.

Luke and Holden also loved the babies . . .

Here's Carter . . .

And Tyler trying to get his face in the sun!

I can't kiss them enough: Tyler is on the left- Carter the right.
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