Tyler, Annamarie, Carter |
What a weekend full of Halloween Events. We kicked it off Saturday with Howloween at the Zoo. So fun to see so many little ones all dressed up.
One full stroller |
The boys helped finish up this puzzle. |
Carter |
Anna spent 10 minutes wrestling this little lion statue. It was quite the sight. She was so upset when we pulled her away. |
They still love to be held |
Sunday we had the Van Pelts over to celebrate and carve pumpkins. They brought "witches brew" - big hit!
Grace blowing to create the smoke... cutie. |
Jenise taking her turn to carve |
Carter was quite the helper |
Then later that evening we went to a Cousin Halloween Party at Gigi and Popi's... check out the last blog post if you missed it!
Tyler, Camden, Carter |
Gigi had games planned and all. One was to eat a bat cookie hanging from a string.
Holden went first |
Then it was Carter's turn and in "Carter Style" he walked up - got his little mischievous smile- grabbed the cookie and took a bite. Easy enough. |
Even Anna took part - and no, she didn't cheat like Carter :) |
Not totally clear- but definitely Cute! |
Then it was a Halloween Dinner... Mummy Meatloaf, Ghost Mash Potatoes and all... what's impressive is we all took turns to try to make a ghost but Michael was the best. So we made him do it. Mr. GrumpyPants he claimed to be about it... but the picture below shows he quite enjoyed it. Travis added the eyes. Loved catching the moment on camera.
The men did a good job huh?! |
These two little girls are great. Anna got a kick pushing Lani around- it made her night. |
Then once in a while she would stop... walk around the stroller, make sure Lani was still there, giggle out of excitement, and go back to push her again. So happy. |
Popi capped the night with an Uffelman Halloween Classic. And there's my little girl who, forget the book, just loves to pose. |
HALLOWEEN! On Monday we made a snake for a party at Enzo's House (our neighbors)... The boys had so much fun painting it (of course blue and green).
Carter - Tyler |
Dressed to go, Tyler put the finishing touches on our ghosts. |
Anna attempted to put her hat on herself. |
Went to Nana's for our first treat. Above her and Carter. |
Posing with Maizy (Carter right) . . . funny the DOG has her eyes closed. |
Tyler in typical Dragon Fashion |
Tyler, Cade, Enzo, Carter |
They just couldn't believe no one would answer. |
Anna kind of joined in |
little butterfly just following her two dragons |
Little Tomboy. She pulled out the boys pjs to wear. why not? |
Desperately trying to get her off the bottle and the boys started filling it up for her. I told them "no" and if she wants a bottle it can only be water or nothing but that we really need her to start drinking like a big girl and I need their help to show her. Carter pulled me over and said "Mama look. Anna can choose cup" - lined up different options for her. sweet. |