The Ferry Ride
Below: Carter
Below: Fun exploring in the rain (Anna is in the pack, I am holding Tyler and Carter is on Travis)
Below: Morning Time with Brinn and Popi
The Big Day
Below: How many people does is take to get these two ready?! (BIG thanks to Paula and Jim -also seen - for babysitting during pictures and the ceremony)
Below: Tyler is with Gigi/Carter with Popi
My aunt tried to bribe with candy all the cousins to be good and take pictures. You can see below how that worked! It was a good effort though and VERY entertaining to see little kids beg.
Below: Zan and Janna with all the kids- even Anna (on Janna's lap). . . I love the boys all holding hands!
Below: Carter and Me
Below: Janna with the groomsmen
First Gloves
On Labor Day I asked Travis what he wanted to do. He said "something special." Not long after we were headed to buy the boys their first baseball gloves and head to the ballpark. It was a very cool morning and so fun to sit with Annamarie in the grass and watch the proud father. We took them to one of our neighbors games thi Now they love to talk about is being baseball players. (Carter is in blue/Tyler green)