I feel like the boys JUST got talking- and now they are making stuff up like crazy. I gave them pretzels for a snack- Tyler took a bite out of his,
holds it up it up proudly and says "boat!" and Carter instantly munched on his and stuck in my face announcing "big dinosaur" - Tyler, another bite proclaiming it was a "big tower" - and the fun went on and on. They pretend to see firetrucks, dinosaurs,
tigerbirds, and trains on every car ride. When I ask where, they state so convincingly "see it, right there!" . . . and then they laugh. A blanket thrown over the couch has now become a "waterfall". . . the list goes on. I have said it before but I experience it daily, they crack me up. From their imagination to the way they follow each other like ducks and just love life. I would sometimes say they love life too much- but that comes from a mother's keep them safe and me sane perspective. I hope they always have this
spark, this energy and love to live and explore.
Above: Looking for bugs (Tyler in orange) Below: Carter was so excited to give me a flower. Then he took it back and picked off each petal one by one. 

My Perfect Baby. For the past week she has slept 5-7 straight hours a night. Don't hate me fellow moms. I know how lucky I am and I swear she does it cause she knows I need every ounce of energy to keep the boys trucking and happy. What a fabulous sister. I am now religious with my evening plan for her. Poor Travis cause right when she gets comfortable and cuddly on him around 8:30pm, I quickly snatch her to give her a bath or tell him "don't let her sleep!" But it works- we have a wonderful evening with one baby to adore and she sleeps from 9:30-10pm to 3-5am. (Above is her sweet spot. She crawls to cuddle right by your face- it's the most wonderful thing.) Anna is truly a treat- just one baby. It's hard to explain. I don't have to worry about another baby crying, rushing to change another one's diaper, trying to double feed to not leave one screaming hungry, the list goes on- it's a luxury. I love it.
Above: The boys have to hold her on a regular business and it's a little competition. It ends up with them both holding her together seeing who can kiss her the most. (Tyler is above and in the red below)
Above: Carter in yellow always pressing the limits!Below: Annamarie's First Bath
A Visit with Nana:We went to visit Nana at her place one morning. Such a treat for her and US. I am following in her shoes- My mom was her little angel after having her twin boys (my uncle Jim & Mike). I cannot imagine the memories she must have holding Annamarie and thinking about my beautiful mom. How quickly the time probably seems to have gone.

Father's Day:Baby Annamarie got to meet her Uncle
Zan and soon-to-be Aunt Janna. Anna approves of
Zan's upcoming wedding- can't you tell?! She couldn't take her eyes off Janna.

Below: Travis and my dad (I love you!) with the boys later in the day.
Go Brasil!We love our neighbors Ty & Paula and their son
Enzo, who is just a month younger than the boys. Below is his birthday party. Paula is from
Brazil so little
Enzo speaks both Portuguese and English and I have to say, after the party I think EVERYONE should get their birthday song sang in Portuguese (and by her family)- I don't know what they were saying but it was awesome. The boys have been wearing (and supporting)
Brazil in the World Cup since they got these soccer shirts from
Enzo on their birthday.
Above: Enzo on his big day-
he's too cute.Below: There is no doubt- Carter loves chocolate.
Below: Showing off their shirts earlier that day. 

More Fun- the boys have learned a little too early to know when I bake and demand the beaters. Now, they help me, and get a little carried away. It is always a huge mess and a headache after but as I always tell myself whenever things get crazy and exhausting- THEY had fun. That's what it's all about. And I know I will look back and be so glad I made the effort to let them have fun. . . whether it was a long hike and having to trek their school bus and firetruck and THEM once they got tired or just flour spilled everywhere and having to spend an entire nap spent cleaning just flour! (below: carter)

Comment of the week: Tyler runs up to me with one of my magazines saying "Cousin Cousin Cousin" and shows me this picture. He thought it was Camden. That means that's you too Kylie :)