Busy fun summer- and not much time for blog writing- have you noticed?
It's just crazy how quickly our babies are now little boys with such personalities. They just laugh and laugh at one another, love to say "uh oh" and of course have started their climbing phase.
The last couple weeks have brought on great excursions. First off, Auntie Rhonda came to visit!
We enjoyed parks, restaurants and much more with her. The boys adore her. She is such a wonderful aunt to them.

Above: They love to tag team little kids at the park. It is quite a sight. The poor victim is so confused (like this little girl at Magnolia Park) and doesn't know quite what to make of two little guys who look the same and swarm from both sides.
Congratulations to Steve- director of AM Northwest for 42 years. That is unheard of in the TV industry- to have the same job- remarkable! I took the boys to the show for his last day.
Such an incredible and caring sweetheart- I loved working with him when I was at KATU. After the show there was a little party for him . . . what was the first thing the boys gravitated to? Look! OH NO!!

Next up- our trip to see the Goffriers in Bend. Here is their adorable family!
I can't quite explain it. . . what those trips are like. Maybe it's because I miss my Jenny dearly . . . but Travis and I can go for just a day or two and truly feel like we "got away" . . . it's the best. Chris is just amazing and their little girls- to die for. We talk about everything and anything and leave nothing "unanalyzed" - have Jenny and I ever? By the way- Jenny for President. And Travis is her running mate. It's a done deal. You'll have to ask them personally what their motto is. The laughs we have!
Above: We tried the JELD WEN golf tournament . . . key word "tried"- we do a lot of that these days.
But the one huge hit for the boys was the pool. They loved swimming- no fears. They even floated on their own and got dunked plenty of times to only come out of the water smiling. (Below: Tyler)
and oh yes- the after shower. . . another big hit. (Carter is in the blue)

Speaking of tried- I recently did just that with the cool car carts at the grocery store. They love sitting together at Costco but what a DISASTER.
They look all sweet to start, but I honestly thought I might just get out of their with free groceries. Carter successfully escaped running around the store- I finally catch him and hold him but he manages to viciously scream the entire time we are checking out head butting me in line and then they ring up my stuff wrong. really? I'm holding my angry child upset down as Tyler starts squirming out of his seat still explaining that they owe me 5 bucks. NIGHTMARE . . . sweating, out of breath, almost in tears but with my 5 dollars finally given back, they then say "Can we help you out or with anything Mrs Mack?" . . . NOW you ask?!! good golly.
This past week we met up with the cousins at the zoo! Kylie came down and Megan met us with her girls. Above is Kylie and the crew enjoying her VERY FIRST elephant ear- say it ain't so I know but it's true! Holden gets his at 2 and she has to wait till hmmm . . . how old are you Kylie? :) Below is Mary Lucy and Camden enjoying the Sea Lions- they put on quite the show for us!
Other fun pictures:
Grace (our neighbor) playing with the boys. We are going to miss when she goes back to school!
below: Gigi gave the boys their first whole apples. Carter went to town on his!

It's just crazy how quickly our babies are now little boys with such personalities. They just laugh and laugh at one another, love to say "uh oh" and of course have started their climbing phase.
The last couple weeks have brought on great excursions. First off, Auntie Rhonda came to visit!

Congratulations to Steve- director of AM Northwest for 42 years. That is unheard of in the TV industry- to have the same job- remarkable! I took the boys to the show for his last day.

Next up- our trip to see the Goffriers in Bend. Here is their adorable family!

But the one huge hit for the boys was the pool. They loved swimming- no fears. They even floated on their own and got dunked plenty of times to only come out of the water smiling. (Below: Tyler)

Speaking of tried- I recently did just that with the cool car carts at the grocery store. They love sitting together at Costco but what a DISASTER.

Grace (our neighbor) playing with the boys. We are going to miss when she goes back to school!