The boys got doctor approval for solids as 4 months but we wanted to wait a bit. Since then they have been like Maizy, staring us eat and following our every bite. So on their "5 Month Birthday" they had their first real dinner and boy are they natural eaters! Did anyone have any doubts?(Tyler is in the white-Carter in the grey)
(Carter is above, Tyler below)

Travis and I think they really can look different- but boy in pictures I realize how much they look alike. Thank goodness I have certain colors and outfits for them so I can tell looking back who is who. Below is Carter . . .

Tyler just laughs with Dad . . .
FARMERS MARKET DAY: I picked up some butternut squash to make for the boys. And in a busy market, and these little outfits - I couldn't get anywhere without causing a commotion. Carter is with the blanket below and Tyler has his bear in the next picture.

The boys are learning how to sit up- and getting so good!
(Carter is in the baseball shirt, Tyler in stripes)

They "timber" over after a bit and somewhat bend over to "sit like a gorilla" but overall they are very strong.
They love their tummy time! Carter is a steamroller. In minutes he can roll across the floor whereas Tyler is move his legs like crazy and kicks like he really wants to crawl. Both have the leg part almost down but use their head instead of their arms.

We finally met Maria Coussens! Travis' best friend Mike and his wife Fawn were in town from Seattle with the sweetheart. Such a beautiful little baby. We were so excited to finally meet her.
And lastly, another cute picture of Tyler.