You hear there is nothing like it . . . the love for your child. And then you experience it. The day they were born, I didn't think I could love
ANYTHING more. But everyday I love
THEM more. I don't know how it's possible. . . everything about it is so overwhelming. The way they cuddle with you, smile, and just move their little hands . . . I feel like my heart could just burst.

The boys turned two months old this past week - celebrating all the milestones . . .Once again they gained a pound in the last week weighing 12 pounds 6 ounces at their 2mo. appointment (yes the EXACT same) . . . and now they are in the 75% for weight! Such a shock since they started much below average. They are just getting huge! They had their first vaccines which were traumatic but later this week began sleeping 6+ hours at night which is a blessing (to say the least!).

Some days they look very different to me- When people see them they always ask me if I think I have switched them- but truly- they can look so different at times. And then others they are identical! Just the little characteristics they have in common. From the way they sleep, to the creases in their ears and wrinkles in their foreheads. Even more uncanny (and perhaps TOO much info) - they only "dirty" (if you know what I mean) their diapers every 2 or so days and they will do it 5 minutes within each other. So thank goodness one has always scratched his face or something (in these pictures it's Tyler).

We catch them holding hands- it's incredibly sweet.

This is Carter . . .

I love how he tilts his head back to smile so big!

This is Tyler- he is such a character!

This picture doesn't look too much like him but they both come with a cute story. While I was feeding Carter on the couch one day, I had Tyler plopped on the other end. I grabbed the camera and was holding it out in front of him and he just started looking right into it and beaming . . it was hysterical-not looking at me-just into the camera and posing.