The day before our 10 day stretch (10 days today) of being stuck at home in the snow and ice . . . The Boys met Santa!! They actually took to him. . . looked at him a little confused at first, but I think they will develop a good friendship over the years! At least no tears were involved. . . something we can't promise next year.
Stuck inside and having fun- we have found a new favorite toy in our house! Above is Tyler, below is Carter . . .
Decorating the Tree! The boys love the lights.

And Tyler's favorite activity, romping on his brother. It's pretty funny. He loves to tackle him.
Now for snow coverage . . . literally. We are covered!
This is the view outside our front door a few days ago- we have gotten even more snow!
Our backyard. Yes, these are the stacks of pavers Travis is installing. You can see that project is on hold. That back wall is about 9 feet high. . . so the drifts- 5 to 6 feet. Incredible!
And lastly, our cars. You can see how much snow is piled on top. We have over over a foot without drifts.