Thursday, November 1, 2012

Meeting Leif

Travis and I took the boys up to Seattle a few weekends ago to meet our new cousin Leif.  What a treat!!  We love you little Leif!!
Carter with Leif and Aunt Janna

Happy Parents

Tyler & Ruby (their dog who "named him") and Travis and Leif

Carter and me on their porch overlooking the sound.  Beautiful!

Uncle Zan playing rock paper scissors with Carter for Fizzy Water.  Hysterical.

He then followed by building them a fort and telling them ghost stories about "Satachamow"- sorry if I botched the spelling Zan:)
Great uncle they have! Leif is in for some good times with his Dad.

Tyler (left in brown) and Carter checking out the ferries heading to Whidbey.

We then spent the day in Seattle with the boys hitting up the market and museum.
Carter (Red "Dragon") / Tyler (Green "Dragon")

Me- Riding the high bike & Tyler with the anemones

Carter and Tyler LOVED the butterfly room at the museum and they loved them.

Tyler & Daddy