Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tree cutting, Thanksgiving & Trucks

Happy Holidays Everyone! We have had a ball so far. . . to kick it off we had an amazing Thanksgiving with both sides of the family. We started off at Travis' uncle and aunt's home. Below is a picture of us with Grandma (I am holding Tyler):

Then it was off to Gigi and Popi's to celebrate with our cousins . . . The four boys loved playing together and of course wouldn't sit for a picture . . . except for at the piano. Wow- 4 boys- CRAZINESS. . . thank goodness for sweet little Lanie who added some peace to the fiasco. I have a feeling we're going to count on her for that a lot in the future! It made me think about our best friends the Bringhursts. It was the age her (Karen) boys were all together (yes she had twins) . . . can you imagine?! . . . but all the boys are TONS of fun and just hysterical!
(Below with Gigi & Popi & the picture our Papa drew years ago . . .)With Thanksgiving over, bring on Christmas . . . and a tree! We went out into the wilderness (okay not QUITE Griswold style) but we did cut down our own tree. Gigi and Popi came along and I have to admit, the farm we found was a GEM- Gigi found not only a tree, but one in 10 minutes, and many more that she loved. . .
The boys are now obsessed with trucks- maybe it is cause it is their new favorite word. But for the past couple months Tuesday morning is the best- the garbage man comes- they run to the window and watch him cruise the street. And of course Maizy has to jump into the middle of all the commotion. The boys now ask me to open up the window . . . they don't mind the cold- they just want to hear the loud truck! It's a pretty cute sight.
Last week we headed to Stayton to visit Great-Grandma. She is doing fantastic and always amazes me. The boys cruising around didn't phase her one bit- She adored them and was on top of it all.
The boys love helping me bake- they love to stir and even say "please" to get a lick. . . oh my. I remember calling the "batters" with my brothers. . . the beloved cookie dough. (Below: Tyler)
Other favorite pictures:

Above and Below: Carter (they both love big people shoes)

Above and Below: Tyler (he loves to pose)
Above and Below: Carter- the Santa hat is a new favorite

Friday, November 20, 2009


Just a couple videos of what the boys are most famous for right now . . . They are very good at saying "please" and Tyler pronunciates it just too cute . . . Carter's favorite thing is raise up his hands and say "where'd it go?" - okay, he just says "go" :)

By the way, the shoes are for future use- they are HUGE. The boys find them and pull them out every night to put on over their pajamas.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween and More!

(Above: Tyler the Lion, Lanie the Bear, Spiderman Camden, Batman Holden, and Carter the Tiger)
So I truly thought the boys would only make it to two or three doors before calling it a night, but they must have wanted to be expert trick-or-treaters like their big cousins. The four made it all the way through Gigi and Popi's neighborhood. We finally quit a little before the super heros because, well, I was embarrassed. We all know what people think when parents show up with 1 1/2 year olds for candy- hmmm, who's gonna eat that? However, Carter somehow snuck his first Lollipop with Popi. (okay, I didn't stop him and yes, this wrapper was quickly bitten off- smart lil' Tiger)

Let's not mention last weekend please, but the boys wear these fleeces win or lose. GO Irish! (Tyler on Right, Carter Left)

Above- Carter saying CHEESE!
Below- Tyler knows how to get cozy for a game . . .

I love it cause the boys have turned into little snugglers. Below is the best- They rush onto me to share my lap for storytime, or in the next pic (Carter), for some TV time.

They still can't get enough of their fort! (Below: Tyler)
And lastly, a fall ride around the neighborhood in the wagon

(Above: Carter)

Monday, October 12, 2009


The Pumpkin Patch:

We went to Roloff Farms with the boys. Wow were they amazed . . . from the petting zoo to the Hay Maze and huge patch we all had a ball.
(Below: Tyler running to the hay- they ended up climbing all the way to the top of the pyramid)
Here he is again . . . forget riding in the wagon- Tyler wanted to pull! Here they are in the Hay Maze with Travis:
This is how the petting zoo went. . . The boys at first, very unsure:
(pictures are of Carter)

Then they got VERY FRIENDLY with the animals- Carter especially loved the cow:
So comfortable in fact . . .
Let's just say hands were fully washed after that!
(Below: Tyler and Daddy looking for the perfect pumpkin)
(Below: Carter)
Below is a Family Picture from the World Championships of Handball. I reported on the event this past weekend- this picture is from the banquet after the championships. Amazing sport if you haven't seen it- but of course seeing the best in the world is unbelievable. I just can't believe we are all looking at the camera below. That never happens! One day we will all be smiling~ (I am holding Tyler)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

End of Summer Fun

Let's start with not so fun . . . It was bound to happen and I just pray in thanks that it wasn't too bad. Tyler had his first "gluing" from a bad fall. He tripped on the basketball hoop and landed on the fireplace moulding (the corner edge) leaving a little star dent in his forehead. I never knew how much a head could bleed. It was terrifying and a frantic experience to get the boys together and into the car to the doctor. My poor little guy. Well . . . I guess it helps tell who is who in the picture . . .

Now for the FUN! Brian and Karen brought cousins Luke and Brinn up to visit. We have been dying to meet sweet Brinn- an absolute CUTIE I might add who smiles CONSTANTLY. Thank you so much for visiting you guys!
The reason for the visit: Little cousin Lanie's baptism. Look how at peace and beautiful she is.
Below: Gigi and Popi with the little ones at Kylie and Michael's afterwards. Love it, all the kids doing their own thing.
Below: Luke and the boys watching cartoons at Gigi and Popi's. Brian and Karen also took a family trip to the coast. The boys and I crashed their relaxing trip for a day. I love our beach- it's gorgeous. . . in fact, here is a pic Karen took that I have to put on- just to convince my girlfriends to come and visit . . . Al, Lo, Kim, Christine, Betsy, Sarah? :)
Below: Brian and Karen with the boys, the guys playing and sharing snacks with Luke, etc. (animal code: Carter is the red rhino and white stripes, Tyler the frog and blue stripes)

And a result of their trip is still lingering cause they gave the boys this awesome fort. It's the first thing they run to every morning. They just laugh and laugh crawling through it. (Carter in blue, Tyler with his bandage)

This past week we also did a "Walk" with the boys . . .

Read the shirt? Sole Support for Parkinson's- something we wouldn't miss to support our great friend Ben. Below is him, his wife Kellie and DOLL Makena. She has such a personality, one of those kids that just makes you laugh.
The boys love the piano. . . . have even began playing duets together. . . .
And since you have made it through all the pictures- here's a fun video to end with. Our neighbor Grace and I stack blocks and the boys love to destroy our tower- knocking them over as we say "OHHH!" - I caught them playing together copying us the other night: