Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last Days of Christmas

The Last Present of Christmas
It seems as though we have a new tradition... "The Last Present of Christmas"
It shows up daily starting on Christmas and walks right up to you.  amazing!  Yes, the boys love announcing it and being unwrapped.

My childhood bestie, Melissa, was in town from London with her family.  We had a great morning catching up with the Donnellys... and the kids loved the English tea biscuit type treats Liam and Emma shared with them- it made this picture possible!  (Carter light blue, Tyler navy)

We had our first sleepover this New Years Eve at our friends the Van Pelts.  Got in a good dose of dominoes (for adults) and hungry hippos (kids below)... so fun the kids could all just go up to the playroom and play together on their own.  And AMAZINGLY enough, they all went to bed perfectly.  However, it was our wild boys who woke up the house that New Year Morning carrying around a lightsaber as a flashlight and investigating the house.  Andy commented on their energy level in the morning.  Yes, that's every morning... it's exhausting!
Breakfast with Henry and Grace and Anna saying "cheese!"

An up-close CHEESE!

Andy planned fireworks and all!
 HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY to my wonderful Grandma. 
You would never guess she's 90!  Her thoughtful conversations, kindness, memory- it's truly incredible.
I come out from taking Anna potty to have this outside the door... a lineup of dragons, dinosaurs, you name it, perfectly stacked in a bunch in front of us, and two blue "dragons" hiding behind them. silly boys. and quick too!

Our sweet dog turns 7 this year!

My two dragons revealed:  (Tyler left)

How I wish these smiles were more clear- truly hysterical.  Carter driving Enzo around in his jeep.  The kid has no fear taking him off curbs, over plants (sorry Paula) you name it.

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