Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

 We had the most wonderful Easter.  Auntie Rhonda came in to share the holiday and join in celebration after celebration!   The pictures say it all:
The boys were making candy bracelets and told me they wanted me to send them to their cousins Luke and Brinn.  Wow- they really miss and love them . . . even more than sugar I guess!

Everyone attacked Daddy after a long day at work.  I love Anna trying to get in on the action.
The boys at our fav park (Camp Rivendale/Jenkins Estate) . . . above: you never know what one will dare the other

Tyler looking for alligatators

So cute of Auntie Rhonda and Annamarie
Saturday we headed to Uncle Bill's and Aunt Devon's for an Easter lunch and egg hunt.  Everytime we visit, the boys love checking out Uncle Bill's fishing boat but he had an even bigger surprise for Easter. . . he pulled out his rods and let the boys practice casting.  What a wonderful treat for them.  (Tyler:Green Carter:Blue)
Uncle Bill with Tyler

It really looks like Carter caught something- they were so excited.

Cousin Nick helping out Carter

The Aunts planned an egg hunt for the boys. . . The boys got the hang of it quick- anything for M&M's!

Finding even the trickiest eggs

Carter checking out his eggs

She really is an angel.
Aunt Joanne and her famous ears.
That night we had our first egg dying experience ever!  The boys went right to it.  Carter dying every egg blue, Tyler green (their favorite colors). . . It turned into quite the race- Tyler would quickly dunk, say "here Mama" and grab another egg just to have as many green as possible. Amazing enough- the shirts ended up clean and no dye was spilled!

Another Green One!
The Egg Dyers and Eggs
Easter morning it was all about baskets and another egg hunt.  Then off to Gigi and Popi's for a family gathering and yes, another hunt! 

Reading the note from the Easter Bunny
Carter loving his Easter Basket treats

Easter at Gigi & Popi's:

(Tyler Green/Carter Blue)

Rhonda tried to get a nice picture with our boys.  It was a nice try.

I thought girls were not supposed to be climbers.  She is starting to worry me!  Found her standing on top of one the boys chairs the other day waving her arms laughing.  oh my.
The Egg Hunt was all about cousins helping cousins since their eggs were color coded. 
Carter points our Holden's egg

Lani points out Tyler's egg

Popi's assist

Anna adoring Gigi

Annamarie in her adorable new Easter hat from Rhonda & Ben.  She loves to wear it and look at herself in the mirror and laugh.

When I told the boys Auntie Rhonda was leaving, Tyler ran and grabbed her suitcase away from the door saying "No, I get her bags. Auntie Rhonda stay." Thank You Rhonda for deciding and flying up to spend Easter with us.

Not long after Easter came Popi's Birthday.  Cheers to another year dad!  We love you so.

1 comment:

the uffelmans said...

luke and brinn loved their necklaces. so sweet of you guys. love the photos...